更新日期:2016/05/28 18:40:57
1.Consider the three conditions for a solution of critical section problem to be a correct solution: Mutual Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Waiting. Please explain Ans: (1) Mutual Exclusion: If process Pi is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their
更新日期:2016/05/24 11:46:26
台灣的德語資源相對較少。要找到一個能同時增進自我德文能力,以及訓練德式循序漸進的邏輯思考的活動非常困難。但這個德文讀書會卻提供一個大大的機會給我,讓我能利用這個交流平台訓練自己。 一開始我們會先從最表層的話題開始切入討論,例如討論現象、和說出對於事情產生最初的感受及想法。再來,老師會以一個引導者和旁觀者,提供我們不一樣出發點的問題,引導我們的思考路線,讓我們進行更深的討論,或是激發出我們更多不同角度的思考。在讀書會裡老師以一個平輩的身分和我們互相交流意見,同時也以一個引導者的身分讓我們找到思路的盲點所在。這是台灣一般的「德文課」所學不到的—對於思考的形式、內容做更深一步的練習。
更新日期:2016/05/23 12:36:53
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base address of eac
更新日期:2016/05/22 23:59:19
1.Consider the three conditions for a solution of critical section problem to be a correct solution: Mutual Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Waiting. Please explain Ans: a. Mutual Exclusion: If process Pi is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their
更新日期:2016/05/22 23:35:54
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: The number id used as an index into a page table . The page
更新日期:2016/05/22 22:08:31
1. Consider the three conditions for a solution of critical section problem to be a correct solution: Mutual Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Waiting. Please explain Answer: Mutual exclusion > If one process is executing their critical section, the second process which wish to do so will b
更新日期:2016/05/22 20:50:39
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base address of e
更新日期:2016/05/22 20:49:28
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Answer: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1) Page nu
更新日期:2016/05/22 19:58:18
Homework Chapter 6-1 03/15/2016 1. Consider the three conditions for a solution of critical section problem to be a correct solution: Mutual Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Waiting. Please explain Ans: a. Mutual Exclusion: If process Pi is executing in its critical section, then no other
更新日期:2016/05/22 16:42:26
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Answer: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1) Pag
更新日期:2016/05/22 16:38:38
Homework Chapter 6-1 03/15/2016 1. Consider the three conditions for a solution of critical section problem to be a correct solution: Mutual Exclusion, Progress and Bounded Waiting. Please explain Ans: 1)Mutual Exclusion : If process P1 is executing in its critical section then no other
更新日期:2016/05/22 15:39:36
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. ANS: For large page table , more feasible if keep it in main memory and use
更新日期:2016/05/22 15:29:45
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base address of
更新日期:2016/05/22 13:28:39
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: The number id used as an index into a page table . The page t
更新日期:2016/05/21 23:54:05
更新日期:2016/05/21 23:45:12
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. ANS: For large page table , more feasible if keep it in main memory and u
更新日期:2016/05/21 22:02:34
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1)Page number
更新日期:2016/05/21 22:00:39
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1)Page num
更新日期:2016/05/21 21:51:17
更新日期:2016/05/21 21:46:11