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歐同學 報告/作業 分享經驗 12/28/2011 Torah Oglander

12/28/2011 Torah Oglander
名稱 Torah Oglander
描述 Study Group Benefits
日期 12/28/2011
課程名稱 Study Group
指導教師 Song, Pei-Feng

Our study group continues to provide a valuable opportunity for us to share our learning experiences with one another. I learn a lot both by sharing the notes and important points that I took away from readings that I completed, and listening to the details that other students found important. This process also helps me navigate the problems of some reading materials being presented in Chinese, and others in English. I can offer a lot of help to my classmates on English readings, and they help me in turn on Chinese reading assignments.

更新日期:2011/12/28 下午 01:17:07